CodeLab is a premium Bootstrap 4.2.1 Admin Dashboard Template. It comes with tones of well designed UI elements, components, widgets and pages. This template is very lightweight and easy to customize. It can be used to create a saas based interface, custom admin panels, dashboard,
CRM, CMS etc. CodeLab helps your team moving faster and saving development costs.
- 4 Dashboard Demo
- Built on latest bootstrap (v – 4.1.3)
- Latest jQuery 3.3.1
- SASS/SCSS supported
- Gulp task supported
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Fully responsive and works across all modern/supported browsers, devices
- All of Bootstrap components
- Icons (font awesome, simple line , themify, weather)
- Multiple widgets
- Toast Notifications
- Tree
- Chartjs
- eChart
- amCharts
- Select2, Date Picker, Date Range Picker, Time Picker, Color Picker, Input Mask included
- Touchpin, Multiple Select, Dropzone, Ion range Slider, Switchery
- Form wizard
- jQuery Validator
- Advanced Datatables
- Advanced Calendar
- Multiple File Uploads
- Editors (Summernote and Markdown)
- And Many More….
- Vertical
- Horizontal (Mega Menu)
- Light Sidenav
- Dark Sidenav
- Color Sidenav
- Collapsed Sidenav
- Profile
- Invoice
- Lock Screen
- Login
- Registration
- 404 Error